• How to wash sweaters

    Sweater weather is approaching, and that means it's almost time to dig all of your favourite cable knits, turtle necks, [...]

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  • Opening a laundromat? Don’t forget to factor this into your budget

    Thinking about opening a laundromat? It's a great idea. Laundromats are a popular small business choice, especially for first-time investors. [...]

  • How on-site laundry can benefit restaurants

    Running a restaurant can be a very rewarding experience. Think about all the beautiful celebrations you’re able to witness—birthdays, proposals, [...]

  • Top brands for commercial laundry solutions

    At Coronet Equipment, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional service, but we don't stop there. We carry a selection of [...]

  • Tackling grease stains

    Summer means time spent on the grill, and unfortunately the grill means grease. If you’ve been enjoying hot dogs, hamburgers, [...]

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